"Bruce Lee" (2013) – mural (acrylic paint)
This is my painting of Bruce Lee (18 x 24 in.) on the Change The World mural at Gray Avenue Middle School in Yuba City, California.
Bruce Lee was a martial artist, an actor, a filmmaker, a philosopher, a teacher, and the founder of Jeet Kune Do. He is one of the most influential martial artists of all-time and is widely credited with helping to change the way Asians are presented in American films. For his role in revolutionizing martial arts around the world, Lee is named among TIME Magazine's "100 Most Important People of the Century."
Bruce Lee was a martial artist, an actor, a filmmaker, a philosopher, a teacher, and the founder of Jeet Kune Do. He is one of the most influential martial artists of all-time and is widely credited with helping to change the way Asians are presented in American films. For his role in revolutionizing martial arts around the world, Lee is named among TIME Magazine's "100 Most Important People of the Century."